Environment Education:
Connecting Concept & Process
Seed Root Stem
Leaf Flower Fruit
Alphabet Fruits & Vegetables
Wet & Dry Land
Seed Sorting Germination
Shades of Green
Living & Non Living
Traveling Seed
Tree Puzzle
Plant Matching Cards
Signs of Fall & Spring
Name that Bird
Flower Arrangement
Nest Making
Lavender Harvesting
Water Conservation
Nurseries Field-trips
Butterfly Life Cycle
Plant “Hospital”
Identifying Fruit Parts
Inspiration & Nature Beauty
Birds & Feathers
Build a Scarecrow
Looking into Sunflower
Making Terrarium
Sand & Desert Plants
Lady Bug Game
Nature Sequence Cards
Pond Plants & Animals

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Cooper The Compost Worm
The Butterflies Are Teasing Me

Book Reviews

“This book delivers to us a beautiful piece of urban poetry, elegant
in its form, and humanistic in its purpose.”

“The story of Cooper and his companions, created and illustrated
by Nouzha and the children from Early Discovery School, is first
of all, a splendid success in its form and aesthetics.”

“Yet, from the unappetizing world of Cooper and his neighbors,
and straight from the children’s fingers, emerge this unbelievable
gathering of bright and fascinating colors that beautifully underline
what this small, precious world holds for the environment…
and for ourselves…”       Professor Régis Malet

32 full-color pages, 10.75” x 8.25” hardbound book